A research group led by Prof. XIONG Wei from AIOFM,HFIPS, attended the workshp virtually. Their participation showcased the latest advancements in domestic greenhouse gas payload technology for spaceborne carbon monitoring and its applications.
Prof. SHI Hailiang, member of the group, delivered an invited online report on "On-orbit Calibration and Validation of the greenhouse gases monitoring instrument on GF5-02 Satellite". Other group members presented their results with posters.
They showcased their research on greenhouse gas remote sensing detection using space heterodyne spectroscopy. They also discussed the on-orbit working status and data application of GMI, the primary atmospheric greenhouse gas monitor for hyperspectral observation satellites.
IWGGMS workshop fosters collaboration among experts in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas measurement technologies. Its goal is to present and discuss the state of the art in space-based remote sensing of greenhouse gases from space, notably carbon dioxide and methane, and related products.
Image from CNES
Prof. SHI Hailiang, member of the group, delivered an invited online report. (Image by AIOFM)
The posters showcased the research results of the group. (Image by AIOFM)